recent lvm.conf change in ubuntu/lucid breaks FAI setup-storage

Waldemar Brodkorb fai at
Sun Mar 14 10:32:18 CET 2010

Hi Michael,
Michael Tautschnig wrote,

> I'd really appreciate if people started to contribute to
> those experimental builds!!! Don't hesitate to post any further questions!

I started to get my work into the experimental build, but I have
some problems with a simple setup. I checked out the lastest version of
fai-source and fai-experimental onto a Debian/Lenny system.
Then I have done following:
cd /root/fai-sources
export QUILT_PATCHES=/root/fai-experimental/patches/
export QUILT_PC=$(pwd)/debian/.pc
quilt push -a

I installed the resulting fai packages and created a repository with
the fai packages. These are added to /etc/fai/apt/sources.list.

After that I created as usual the NFS root via make-fai-nfsroot.
I copied over the default config space from
/usr/share/doc/fai-docs/examples/simple to /srv/fai/config

When I try to install a KVM client via:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 /iso/bar.img 10G
virt-install --vnc --noautoconsole --bridge br0 --hvm --accelerate
--pxe -n foo -r 512 -f /iso/bar.img -m 54:52:00:00:00:02

I get following error message from setup-storage:
Partitioning local harddisks using setup-storage
Starting setup-storage 1.2+exp
Can't use string ("") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at
/usr/share/fai/setup-storage// line 83, <$config_file>
line 1.
Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/FAIBASE
Error in task partition. Traceback: task_error task_partition task
task_install task task_action task main
FATAL ERROR. Installation stopped.

Any idea what is wrong here?


P.s.: the url in the README needs an update:
--- README      (Revision 5731)
+++ README      (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-see for
how to use
for how to use
 this tree with quilt. 
 - QUILT_PC may be stored wherever you like
 - QUILT_PATCHES must be set to <this dir>/patches/

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