net-tools future

Luk Claes luk.claes at
Sat Mar 21 16:15:47 CET 2009

Holger Levsen wrote:
> resend to fai-devel, as bcc:s are stuck in moderation. Thomas is it ok to 
> commit the attached patch to trunk? (IMO its a waste of time to file a bug 
> for this and it's clearly a serious bug.)
> Hi Luk,

Hi Holger

Note that we want to get rid of net-tools using packages. I'll look into
a patch that uses iproute instead if that's ok?



> On Samstag, 21. März 2009, Luk Claes wrote:
>>>> Below a list of packages/maintainers that use ifconfig/route/netstat:
>>> How did you create that list? You seem to be missing a few..
>> By looking at dependency relations with the net-tools package. I guess
>> some packages use net-tools if available and otherwise fallback to
>> something else?
> Sadly I think thats wishful thinking at least in the case of the four packages 
> I mentioned. 
> munin uses netstat only in the netstat plugin. I've now added a suggests (in 
> svn) on the assumption that netstat is a rather common plugin. We dont want 
> to suggest asterisk just because there is a plugin to monitor it :)
> debian-edu-config might be covered through one of its depends (but it doesnt 
> seem so, not even lsb depends net-tools, so I just added a depends in svn).
> sitesummary misses it, so I fixed it in svn.
> fai uses it in three binary packages: fai-server, fai-client and fai-doc. I'll 
> follow up on this on the fai-list.
> regards,
> 	Holger
> (maintainer role-addresses bcc:ed.)

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