configspace in https-svn - how to deal with certificates?

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at
Sun Jul 27 23:02:35 CEST 2008

Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> Well, it should do, see /root/.subversion after accepting it. You may, however,
> also do a somewhat more proper way: Put the corresponding CA-certificate
> somewhere, and add ssl-authority-files = <certificate-path> to
> /etc/subversion/servers inside your NFSROOT.

This did for some reason not work out for me.

I ended up with a dirty hack -  going to /tmp and checking out just 
"something" in an make-fai-nfsroot hack, and then coping the directory 
/root/.subversion to /, because this is the only place where it is 
searched in a FAI install.

Not nice, but only two lines of code, and I currently lack time to debug 
and fix it in a more beatiful and correct way.
I also didnt try the proposed solution from Erik Rossen, as there wasn't 
even an /etc/ssl dir in the nfsroot, and I didn't have time figuring 
what packages would be needed and stuff, and I knew the dirty trick 
would work - the other only maybe...


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