Prepareapt considered harmful...

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at
Mon Jun 30 18:23:47 CEST 2008

Henning Glawe wrote:
> [...]
> well, I am doing exactly this (fcopy for apt config) since 6 years, without
> problems 
 > [...]
> (first in my fai fork "pfai", now with two hooks (one deactivating
> prepareapt, 

Which proves that prepareapt is, if not harmful, at least superflous.

And that, to get 6 years without problems, the first thing you do is 
disable the complete task, from which only want the most annoying line 
to be removed(actually not removed, but moved into configspace!), 
because it has really high potential to cause people a lot of trouble.

Internal FAI code should as less as possible act on the config in the 
target system in a way not explicitly defined by the user in the 
And here, it happens even without telling the user in the logs that it's 
doing so.

I can only say it again: Please remove this line!


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