Patch for setup_harddisks to use it for Xen-Domains "without disk"

Maximilian Wilhelm max at
Sat Nov 24 19:28:16 CET 2007

Am Saturday, den 24 November hub Henning Sprang folgendes in die Tasten:

> Maximilian Wilhelm wrote:
> >> Why not just use the solution for this described in the Wiki? That works
> >> without changing the FAI code.

> > Because I have to edit a script each time I want to setup a Dom-U.
> > Besides that you then have two ways of configuring disk stuff.

> True, that's a downside.

> The downside of setup harddisks is, that probably nobody will add
> patches to it anymore...

Why not?

> But luckily, Storage Magic isn't far anymore...

I'll have a look at it.
The word magic is kind of 'warning'...

> > If you use a vanilla kernel the devices are called xvda.
> > I don't know what $distro does.

> I didn't test that yet, as I wanted to wait until xen integration is
> really finished - I might have missed that point  but the last time I
> looked at it, dom0 wasn't supported.

Dom0 isn't supported yet.
But this is IMO no reason for not using a vanilla kernel for DomU.

> So that means with the vanilla Kernel, the domu config you set for the
> disk's name doesn't have any effect anymore?
AFAIR this is the case.
I had all devices mapped to sda* and they appeared as xvda*.

> > Sure you can, but in general this might not be the best idea.
> > When you do partition a block device inside a Dom-U, you have to
> > fiddle a lot if you want to access the file system from the Dom-0 in
> > case your Dom-U is broken or you want to do $x.

> There is a helper script included in the xen distribution
> I don't know anymore why it isn't in the path on debian, I think I filed
> a bug about this at some time.

> Here it is at /usr/lib/xen-default/bin/lomount

> I know, this doesn't work for netbsd partitions, but for linux
> partitions it used to work quite good.

> (I have the debianbase xen packages installed, it might be at some other
> place with the standard debian packages).

I like it easy.

	Follow the white penguin.

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