URGENT! HELP needed for apt-ftparchive !
Michael Tautschnig
tautschn at model.in.tum.de
Fri Aug 31 01:18:03 CEST 2007
It seems like nobody responded so far, so let me try: I'm using the following
script to obtain a proper repository:
#! /bin/bash
cd /home/www/debian
for r in sarge ; do
rm $r/Packages*
apt-ftparchive packages $r/ | gzip > $r/Packages.gz
zcat $r/Packages.gz > $r/Packages
apt-ftparchive -c=apt-ftparchive.conf release $r/ > $r/Release
echo "<KEY>" | gpg --homedir /home/www/debian/apt-key/ -abs -u sysops --passphrase-fd 0 --yes -o $r/Release.gpg $r/Release
chmod a+r $r/Packages*
chmod a+r $r/Release*
Together with the following apt-ftparchive.conf:
Origin "puma.model";
Label "sarge";
Suite "stable";
Codename "sarge";
Architectures "i386 amd64";
Components "";
Description "model.in.tum.de packages";
Hope this helps,
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