New features, and bugfix for faimond

Thomas Lange lange at
Tue Aug 28 21:31:47 CEST 2007

>>>>> On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 17:53:35 +0200, Jonas Eriksson <zqad at> said:

    > I'm unable to trigger this while running "faimond -d -l -", at
    > least with the latest set of patches I submitted. All that seems
    > to happen is that the client gets disconnected.
OK, I'm wondering, because the command die normally kill the whole
script. I did not test it but from the code it should die IMO.

    > So, how should i design the patch? Should the standard behaviour
    > of faimond be to not fork and not print timestamps?

Ah now I understand. It seems that the Proc::Daemon creates a new
process for every connection. Then the die command will not kill the
daemon but IMO it a little bit overhead. But anyhow, if you like to
use Proc::Daemon then do it.

The only thing I need for faimond-gui is that faimond prints the
messages from all install clients without timestamps to stdout. If this
is possible (or the default) I'm happy with your faimond version. 
Please check the indentation of the code. Sometimes you are using 8
spaces instead of two. 

    > I believe that many organizations today (I know three or probably
    > four without leaving my campus, and about 5 off-campus) is mostly
    > interested in using the simple log-and-chboot-functions.
Please tell them to fill out the FAI questionnaire.

    > in this case should start an own instance of faimond and read
AFAIK it's not possible that tow process are listening on the same

And please update the man page for faimond (send me a patch for this).
regards Thomas

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