[Fai-commit] r4287 - people/h01ger

Sam Vilain sam at vilain.net
Tue May 8 00:30:34 CEST 2007

Ooo, softupdate and git.

What are you doing here Holger?  I have a script which runs softupdate
with various guards (eg, don't push a softupdate unless its remote
revision is in the history of the revision we're pushing).

Ah, they're rough and ready but they're attached and perhaps they'll be
interesting for you to look at.

There's also the idea of using git as a safety net for /etc (something
like the program 'IsiSetup'), so that the changes performed by a
softupdate can be easily tracked and even backed out if required.  This
could potentially kill two birds with one stone - allowing systems like
"tiger" and "integrit" to be mostly replaced with the moral equivalent
of "git-status".  In the case of vservers, intrusion detection security
could be taken to the next level by running the git safety net outside
of the vserver.  There are problems to be overcome there, such as
archiving old history, etc.  But I think the idea holds a lot of promise.


Holger Levsen wrote:
> Author: h01ger-guest
> Date: 2007-05-04 11:27:06 +0000 (Fri, 04 May 2007)
> New Revision: 4287
> Added:
>    people/h01ger/softupdate-git/
> Log:
> keep two branches for now:
> softupdate-git: what previously softupdate-git-rpm was, but with install_packages suited for debian-based systems too
> softupdate-git-rpm: get rid of depends on libapt-pkg-perl in install_packages the hackish way - only for rpm only systems
> Besides this, I will keep those two branches in sync, and follow trunk (where suited for etch based fai)
> I need help in fixing the above issue. This is bug #422225
> Copied: people/h01ger/softupdate-git (from rev 4286, people/h01ger/softupdate-git-rpm)
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