fai class hierarchy brainstorming

Eugen Paiuc eug_paiuc at bluewin.ch
Mon Jan 23 23:03:59 CET 2006

Henning Sprang a écrit :

>On Fri, 2006-01-20 at 16:52 +0100, Michael Tautschnig wrote:
>>>fai_meta_class { arch, meta_dists, final_net_structure, final_use, ...}
>>>arch={ classic arch: i386,  ppc, all_arch, ...}
>>>meta_dists={linux_multi_distribution, xxxbsd, hurd, other_new_free_kernels }
>>>final_net_structure={grid, cluster, vlan, lan, ...}
>>>final_use={servers_of, clients_of, ...}
>>? -- so -- what? I think you are talking about a very different hierarchy than
>>Henning does!?
Yes, indeed, that was a thought of a meta_fai structure.
Use, network, arch, distribution and kernel independent.   

>Probably I wasn't clear enough:
>I've been talking about the structure in the directory which is now
>FAI_CONFIGDIR or /usr/local/share/fai as default.
>I do not understand what you mean Eugen, can you explain?
>Thanks in advance, 
Sorry for inconvenieces.


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