[LCP-meeting] Invitation to next Tuesdays - 4th Dec - LCP meeting at 12:30 noon - ZMMK

Katja Ruge katja.ruge at uk-koeln.de
Mo Feb 18 11:38:57 CET 2019

Dear all,

tomorrow's LCP meeting will be held Richard Riedel (AG Wolf). His talk title is: "Acquired Resistance in MET-driven NSCLC".

Please note that this meeting will be at the CMMC. Since the CMMC has a strict no-food policy no snack will be organised.


Katja Ruge

Sekretariat Prof. Dr. med. Wolf
Centrum für Integrierte Onkologie
Klinik I für Innere Medizin
Universitätsklinikum Köln
50924 Köln

Telefon: + 49 221 478-89050
Telefax: + 49 221 478-89051

E-Mail: katja.ruge at uk-koeln.de<katja-ruge>

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