[LCP-meeting] Invitation to next Tuesdays - 15th May - LCP meeting at Pharmacology - 12:30 noon

Tanja Eggert t.eggert at uni-koeln.de
Mi Mai 9 11:46:31 CEST 2018

Dear all,

we would like to invite you to next Tuesdays LCP meeting where Anna Schmitt
and Filippo Beleggia (AG Reinhardt) will speak. The title is: 'An in vivo
PiggyBac transposon screen to identify genetic determinants of
tumorigenesis, metastatic spread and chemotherapy resistance in an
autochthonous SCLC mouse model'

Please note that the meeting will take place at the Pharmacology (building
36, Gleulerstr. 24 /
http://pharmakologie.uk-koeln.de/de/kontakt-und-anfahrt). The seminar room
is situated on the first floor (room 1.029).

Please find attached an up-to-date meeting schedule.


Tanja Eggert
Project Assistant

University Hospital of Cologne
Translational Genomics
Weyertal 115b
50931 Cologne, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)221 478 98777
E-Mail: t.eggert at uni-koeln.de

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