[LCP-meeting] Invitation to next Tuesday's LCP Meeting

Katia Garbert katia.garbert at uni-koeln.de
Fr Jun 29 08:14:39 CEST 2018

Dear all,

we would like to invite you to next Tuesday's LCP meeting (July 3rd at 12.30 pm) where Cleidson de Pádua Alves (AG Thomas) will speak. The title of his talk is "Exploring CTC-derived models of 
small cell lung cancer“.

Please note that the meeting will take place at the Pharmacology (building 36, Gleueler Str. 24 / http://pharmakologie.uk-koeln.de/de/kontakt-und-anfahrt <http://pharmakologie.uk-koeln.de/de/kontakt-und-anfahrt>). The seminar room is situated on the first floor (room 1.029). 


Dr. rer. nat. Katia Garbert
Project Coordination

Molecular Pathology, Inst. of Pathology 
& Dept. of Translational Genomics (Sos Lab)
University of Cologne
Weyertal 115b
50931 Cologne, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)221 478 89848
E-mail: katia.garbert at uni-koeln.de

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