[LCP-meeting] invite to the next LCP meeting and schedule

Tanja Eggert t.eggert at uni-koeln.de
Di Aug 29 10:14:57 CEST 2017

Dear all,

the next LCP meeting will take place on 19th September where Tsun-Po Yang
(AG Peifer) will talk. The title will follow shortly. The meeting will take
place as usual at 12:30 noon at the seminar room at Haus 16.

A snack will be organised by AG Wolf.

Please find attached the newest LCP meeting schedule.


Tanja Eggert
Project Assistant

University Hospital of Cologne
Translational Genomics
Weyertal 115b
50931 Cologne, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)221 478 98777
E-Mail: t.eggert at uni-koeln.de

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