[LCP-meeting] LCP-Meeting on 26th May at 2pm instead of June- 1st floor seminar-room on Weyertal 115b

Tanja Eggert t.eggert at uni-koeln.de
Mi Mai 13 13:19:12 CEST 2015

Dear all,

we would like to invite you to the next LCP Meeting on Tuesday 26th May at
2pm where Jürgen Wolf will talk. The meeting will be focused on the

Please note that the meeting will take place at the first floor seminar-room
on Weyertal 115b. There won't be an LCP meeting in June.

Please find a calendar entry attached for outlook users.



Tanja Eggert
Project Assistant

University Hospital of Cologne
Translational Genomics
Weyertal 115b
50931 Cologne, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)221 478 98777
E-Mail: t.eggert at uni-koeln.de

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