[DiXiT] ESTS 2016 / DiXiT 3: Registration now open

Franz Fischer franz.fischer at uni-koeln.de
Mon Aug 29 09:11:21 CEST 2016

[Fwd on behalf of Wout Dillen & Dirk van Hulle]

***Apologies for cross-posting***

Dear colleague,

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 
conference ‘*Digital Scholarly Editing: Theory, Practice, Methods’*, a 
joint effort of the *European Society for Textual Scholarship* (ESTS) 
and the *DiXiT Network*. The conference programme presents a 
comprehensive critique of the state of the art of textual scholarship 
and digital scholarly editing. We are proud to welcome *Paul Eggert* and 
*Kathryn Sutherland* as keynote speakers, and *Hans Walter Gabler* and 
*Peter Shillingsburg *as guests of honour.

The event will be hosted by the Centre for Manuscript Genetics (CMG) and 
takes place from *5 - 7 October 2016* at the city campus of the 
University of Antwerp.

The full programme and further information about dates and venues can be 
viewed on the conference website: http://uahost.uantwerpen.be/estsdixit2016/

Please complete this online form in order to register for the conference:

Payment can be made by bank transfer or alternatively on the day at the 
registration desk. A one year-membership of the European Society for 
Textual Scholarship is by default included in the registration fee (no 
extra charge).

The University of Antwerp will be awarding five competitive bursaries to 
assist early career scholars speaking at the conference. Criteria and 
regulations apply, please check the conference website for more 
information and guidelines of application: 

The day before the conference, Tuesday 4th October, the CMG will host 
three parallel workshops on digital scholarly editing:

 1. ‘*Digital Scholarly Editing and Textual Criticism’*. Full day (11h00
    - 16h30). Organizers: Franz Fischer and Marjorie Burghart.
 2. *‘Project Logistics’.* Morning (9h30 - 13h00). Organizer: Peter Boot.
 3. *‘Born Digital Record of the Writing Process.’* Afternoon (14h00 -
    17h30). Organizer: Torsten Ries).

Participation in the workshops is free of charge, but places are 
limited. Participants can apply for a workshop together with their 
conference registration.

Social events
A number of social events have also been arranged to provide 
participants with plenty of opportunity for networking and for exploring 
the beautiful city of Antwerp. This includes a reception at the historic 
Stadhuis (City Hall) open to all participants, as well as a conference 
dinner at the University Club.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Antwerp.

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Wout Dillen
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