[DiXiT] CfP Convention 3 / ESTS Conference 5-7 Oct 2016

Tessa Gengnagel tessa.gengnagel at uni-koeln.de
Thu Dec 10 20:39:03 CET 2015

***apologies for cross-posting***

Call for papers:
Conference "Digital Scholarly Editing: Theory, Practice, Methods"

Conference organized by the European Society for Textual Scholarship  
(ESTS) and the Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training Network  
Hosted by the Centre for Manuscript Genetics at the University of  
Antwerp, Belgium.

Venue: University of Antwerp

5-7 October 2016

Keynote speakers: Paul Eggert and Kathryn Sutherland

Call for Papers

Deadline: 20 March 2016

As digital publications are reaching a stage of maturity and scholarly  
editors are becoming increasingly aware of the seemingly endless  
possibilities of hybrid or fully Digital Scholarly Editions, the  
impact of the digital medium on the field of Textual Criticism has  
become undeniable. As a result of this ‘digital turn’, textual  
scholars are now faced with new challenges and opportunities that have  
called for a re-evaluation of the field’s established theoretical and  
practical framework. For the thirteenth annual conference of the  
European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS), organized in  
association with the Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training  
Network ‘DiXiT’ (as DiXiT Convention 3), we intend to face this new  
direction in textual scholarship head-on, by focussing on the recent  
developments in textual scholarship that are instigated by this  
reassessment of the theories, practices, and methods of scholarly  
editing in general, and of the Digital Scholarly Edition (DSE) in  
particular. We therefore invite abstracts for 20-minute presentations  
that could focus on (but should not be limited to) the following topics:

- The impact of the digital medium on textual scholarship
- The importance of the document in scholarly editing
- Facsimiles versus documents
- Documents versus texts
- The task of the editor of a DSE
- Modelling the DSE

- Digitization of documents
- The limits of TEI XML and alternative encoding models
- Editorial interpretation in text encoding
- Visualizing the encoded text
- Corpus analysis
- New tools for the Scholarly Edition

- Encoding difficulties
- Interoperability
- Usability studies
- Copyright restrictions and their impact on the DSE
- Dissemination
- Standards and evaluation

Abstracts of up to 300 words can be emailed to Dirk Van Hulle  
(dirk.vanhulle at uantwerpen.be) and Wout Dillen  
(wout.dillen at uantwerpen.be) before 20 March 2016.

This thirteenth conference of the European Society for Textual  
Scholarship is organized in association with the Marie Curie Initial  
Training Network on Digital Scholarly Editing ‘DiXiT’, and will be  
hosted by the Centre for Manuscript Genetics (CMG) at the University  
of Antwerp. In the days leading up to the conference, the CMG will  
host two DiXiT workshops on digital scholarly editing.

Tessa Gengnagel
Cologne Center for eHumanities
Universität zu Köln, Universitätsstr. 22, 50923 Köln, Deutschland
Telefon: +49 - (0)221 - 470 - 4056
Email: tessa.gengnagel at uni-koeln.de

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