[DiXiT] Fwd: Symposium: Toward a new social contract between publishers and editors

Franz Fischer franz.fischer at uni-koeln.de
Thu Dec 11 11:42:20 CET 2014

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	[DiXiT] Symposium: Toward a new social contract between 
publishers and editors
Datum: 	Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:27:49 +0000
Von: 	Pierazzo, Elena <elena.pierazzo at kcl.ac.uk>


Dear all,

If you want to come and see beautiful Grenoble this winter, this is the 
perfect opportunity: en event to discuss digital critical editions with 
publishers! Perfect for Dixit fellows and partners. Free registration 
and coffee!

Toward a new social contract between publishers and editors

26 January 2015, Maison de Science de l’Homme – Alpes, Grenoble

NeDiMAH, the Network for Digital Methods in the Arts and Humanities, is 
delighted to announce this one-day seminar, which will bring together 
publishers and scholarly editors in order to discuss how best 
to produce digital editions which are at the same time both economically 
viable and in keeping with scholarly standards.

In the pre-digital world, publishers and editors normally collaborated: 
the editors would produce the edition, following the guidelines provided 
by the publishing house, which for its part would take care of marketing 
and distribution, as well as essential scholarly services such as peer 
review. Digital scholarly editions, on the other hand, tend to be 
self-published by scholars within their own universities, most often 
without any connection with a publishing house – an arrangement which 
is hardly sustainable, for various reasons, and often not available to 
younger researchers producing their first editions and without access to 
suitable funding. At the same time, publishers are increasingly engaging 
with the digital, in particular in connection with tablet distribution. 
But the majority of such eBooks are generally not up to the standards 
expected by the scholarly community: in many ePubs, for instance, basic 
features such as footnotes are a luxury – to say nothing of a proper 
critical apparatus. How can be we best address these issues, to the 
mutual benefit of all involved parties – editors, publishers and the 
scholarly public?

Elena Pierazzo (University “Stendhal” Grenoble 3, France)
Matthew Driscoll (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

Confirmed speakers:
Marjorie Burghart (EHSSE, Lyon, France)
Caroline Macé (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Hilde Bøe (Munch Museum, Oslo, Norway)
Espen Ore (Oslo University, Norway)
Gabriella Ravenni (University of Pisa, Italy)
Manuel Portela (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Brad Schott, Brambletye Publishing
Pierre-Yves Buard, Presse Universitarie de Caen
Rupert Gatti, Open Books publishers, Cambridge
Pierre Mounier, Open Editions

If you are interested in participating, please send an email to Andrea 
Penso at the following address by the 16th of January: 
andrea.penso at u-grenoble3.fr <mailto:andrea.penso at u-grenoble3.fr>
Registration is free but obligatory.

Elena Pierazzo
Professeur d'Italien et Humanités Numériques
Bureau F307
Université de Grenoble 3 'Stendhal'
BP 25 38040 Grenoble Cedex 9
Tel. +33 4 76828032

Visiting Senior Research Fellow
King's College London
Department of Digital Humanities
King's College London
26-29 Drury Lane

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