[c3rdm-network] Invitation: C3RDM - Data Steward networking event, 12.3.24, 11:00

Jens Dierkes dierkes at ub.uni-koeln.de
Di Feb 20 16:59:54 CET 2024

Dear colleagues,

Caring for/managing research data is a complex task with a high level of responsibility.
Although you may be working as the only data steward in a research project or discipline specific context, you are not alone. 
There are colleagues across campus, who face very similar challenges such as

-	legal aspects concerning research data (e.g., IP right, GDPR)

-	socio-technical issues: most of the time it is not about the technology, but about the people, 
        who are supposed to use these new technologies and need to adapt their workflows (--> policies)

-	finding vs. developing tools to handle a certain data type/format

-	find or develop a good documentation process

-	provide training for researchers

-	translating requirements between researchers and IT staff and vice versa

-	making workflow solutions sustainable in the long term

The team of the Cologne Competence Centre for Research Data Management (C3RDM <https://c3rdm.uni-koeln.de/>) would like to introduce you to colleagues, encourage you to exchange experiences in data management and possibly share information, good practices, or tools.

We would therefore like to invite you to a virtual meeting on 12.3.2024 at 11:00 a.m. with the aim to explain our idea in more detail and to discuss how we can organise a face-to-face workshop in June 2024. Together we can find a way towards a community of practice.
Please feel free to share the invitation and register here <https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAqc--tqDotGtHmhWKKKkhbtEAP6W6pVjgW>.

We will be happy to answer any questions via fdm-support at uni-koeln.de <mailto:fdm-support at uni-koeln.de>.

Best regards 
Jens Dierkes

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