[c3rdm-network] Course on Data Management Plan (DMP) - still some places left

Andreas Mühlichen muehlichen at ub.uni-koeln.de
Mo Okt 10 18:07:05 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues,

After a successful launch of our newest workshop format earlier this 
year on “How to write a data management plan (DMP)?”, we would like to 
announce our second instalment of this three-hour course – this time in 
English. The advanced (meaning participants should have some basic 
knowledge on research data management) online course will be held on 
Wednesday, November 2^nd , 2022, from 09:00 to 12:00 by Jasmin Schenk 
and Andreas Mühlichen.

And the best: There are still some places left!

Here are the highlights:

- What is a DMP and what is it useful for?
- What are different roles in RDM?
- How do I calculate RDM costs and what is eligible for funding?
- How do the requirements of specific funding programmes differ?
- Where can I find appropriate templates and guidance?

For detailed information and registration via AMC visit:

Best regards
Andreas Mühlichen

Dr. Andreas Muehlichen
Associate Researcher
University of Cologne :: University- and City Library
Research and Publication Support
Universitaetsstr. 33 :: 50931 Cologne
Tel.: +49 221 470-2468
**Currently you can reach me only via email or RocketChat (UoC only)**
E-Mail:muehlichen at ub.uni-koeln.de  :: W:www.ub.uni-koeln.de
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