[c3rdm-network] Online information event: Research Data Management and Services for the Faculty of Medicine and UKK, 22.06, 3-4:30 p.m.

Jens Dierkes dierkes at ub.uni-koeln.de
Mo Jun 20 15:16:18 CEST 2022

Dear all,

We would like to draw you attention to the upcoming *"Online information 
event on Research Data Management and Services for the Faculty of 
Medicine and UKK"* this *Wednesday, June 22, 2022* at *3-4:30 p.m.*


Addressed are all researchers at the Faculty of Medicine & UKK.
During your daily research routine, digital research data occur in 
different amounts and forms (e. g. measuring data, pictures, videos, 
DNA-sequences etc.). What possibilities do exist to store and archive 
research data in a secure and sustainable manner to process the data 
further? Meet the contact persons and get to know useful services 
supporting you during all phases of the research process.

You can register for the online event here: https://t1p.de/eyxuq

This event is jointly organized by C3RDM and the Faculty of Medicine IT 

Best regards
Jens Dierkes
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