[Seminars in Neuroscience] Seminar with Dr. Daniel Knebel, Monday 12.06.23 at 15:00

Seminars in Neuroscience zoologie-neurokoll at uni-koeln.de
Mi Mai 31 14:26:23 CEST 2023

Dear guest of our seminars,

I am glad to announce that on Monday 12.06.2023 Dr. Daniel Knebel, working at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, will give a talk in the frame of the "Seminar in Neuroscience”.

The talk will take place at 15:00 s.t. in room 0.024 of the Biocenter (Zülpicher Str. 47b, 50674 Köln). 

The title of the talk is: "Central Control of the Legs in the Locust with a Historical Perspective”.

Here <https://www.ulrichlab.com/copy-of-yuko-ulrich-2> you can find more information about the speaker and his research.

 Dr. Daniel Knebel is hosted by Prof. Ansgar Büschges. If you are interested in meeting Dr. Knebel, please contact Prof. Büschges.

For more information you may visit the website of the Seminars in Neuroscience
(https://zoologie.uni-koeln.de/forschung/neurobiologie/seminars-in-neuroscience <https://zoologie.uni-koeln.de/forschung/neurobiologie/seminars-in-neuroscience>).

All interested scientists are welcome to attend this event.

With kind regards,

Dr. Giulia Di Cristina
Zoologisches Institut
Universität zu Köln
Biozentrum Köln
Zülpicher Strasse 47b
50674 Köln
Phone +49-221-470-2546
Fax +49-221-470-4889
mail: gcristin at uni-koeln.de

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