Hello, i have used setup_storage to partition my disk and here's the errors displayed<br>during the installation process:<br><br>Starting setup-storage 3.1<br>Syntax error<br>Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/FAIBASE<br>
Error in task partition. Traceback: task_error task_partition task task_instance task task_action task main<br>FATAL ERROR. Installation stopped.<br>bash: no job control in this shell<br><br>Here's my disk_config/FAIBASE<br>
<br>disk_config disk1 preserve_always:1 bootable:2<br>primary /boot 200 ext3 rw<br>primary / 100- ext3 default,errors=remount-ro <br>logical swap 512 swap rw<br>
logical /home 1000-2000 ext3 rw<br><br><br><br>