Hello,<br><br>I have installed a new system using fai version 3.2.8 on a debian ETCH, the partition use LVM.<br>Everything install but when i boot the new system it's blocking for some time on "Waiting for root filesystem..." then i got an error:<br>
<br>ALERT! /dev/mapper/my_pv-_root does not exist<br><br>I then get a initramfs shell, from this shell I discovered that i don't have /dev/mapper so lvm is not initialised.<br>/scripts/local-top contain a lvm script file, this file is refering to /sbin/vgchange but this file is not existing on my initramfs filesystem...<br>
<br>I try to figure out without success why mkinitramfs don't copy vgchange when building the initramfs...<br><br>I am stuck here..<br><br>Thanks a lot for your help.<br><br>Stephane.<br>