numeration for preserved partions

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Thu Jul 14 17:50:09 CEST 2011


> > Testing would be much appreciated, didn't get around to do any testing myself yet.
> It doesn't work because the unit conversion that's done in between overwrites the regexp results.
> I fixed that by inserting
> 	my $flags = $5;
> (resp. $3) just before the 
> 	# convert the units, if necessary
> line and using $flags instead of $5/3 below.
> Looks like :resize coudln't have worked before, too.
> My fixed version works (we re-factored the patch for FAI stable).

Would you mind sending the patch? I just want to make sure I patch the right
places and don't claim this is fixed in trunk and tested when what you test is a
completely different code...

Thanks a lot for your help,

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