FAI Support for FreeBSD

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Wed Jan 13 00:15:38 CET 2010

>>>>> On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 13:05:53 -0800, Jason Helfman <jhelfman at e-e.com> said:

    > Can you expand on "create the nfsroot," and what this is and what it should
    > contain?
It should contain a minimal set of commands that are needed to run a
system ( the jail). Also a kernel and an initrd (does BSD have such things?) that
can be loaded via PXE and tftp is needed. FAI needs a netboot
environment so that the kernel and initrd mounts its root file system
via NFS. Maybe this helps:


That's all for the beginning.
regards Thomas

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