FAI Installation, Ubuntu and problems with menu.lst generation

Stephan Hermann sh at sourcecode.de
Tue Jun 9 15:48:29 CEST 2009

Dear Colleagues,

if you try to install ubuntus grub, better to say, its menu.lst, using
the example way of FAI, you run into serious problems.

menu.lst will be copied to /boot/grub/menu.lst but the update-grub call
(even $ROOTCMDed) doesn't update the copied menu.lst with the kernel

This problem occurs because Ubuntu uses UCF inside his update-grub

So, there are two possibilies:

1. Rely on your self made menu.lst and forget about update-grub, even
when updating your kernels
2. or let ubuntu create your menu.lst correctly, and be safe while and
after kernel upgrades.

I wrote a small example how to get point 2 running, you can find this
documentation on the faiwiki under

Hope it helps,


| Stephan '\sh' Hermann    | OSS Dev / SysAdmin         |
| JID: sh at linux-server.org | http://www.sourcecode.de/  | 
| GPG ID: 0xC098EFA8	   | http://leonov.tv/          |
| FP: 3D8B 5138 0852 DA7A B83F DCCB C189 E733 C098 EFA8 |

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