Let's start!

Michael Tautschnig michael.tautschnig at zt-consulting.com
Mon Jul 4 17:22:38 CEST 2005

Hi all,

as I couln't attend LinuxTag I don't know anything yet about the results of the
discussion, but a few things would be very important for me:

- Is there going to be some kind of roadmap for FAI 3?
- If not, what are your most important wishes for FAI 3?

My personal wishlist includes
* debconf as discussed in (#302766)
* some ideas for logrotation for /var/log/fai -- it tends to fill due to many many

Another point that I'd like to discuss is closing bugs (as listed in the BTS):
Many of them have a patch attached and are fairly easy to fix, the patches
simply demand testing, but that lacks coordination.

All the best,
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